Religious vs.Revivalist
A religious person is confident in his abilities and works but a revivalist has no confidence in himself as he is broken and contrite.
A religious person has no heart for prayer but a revivalist lives for prayer.
A religious person seeks to control his own life and that of the church but the revivalist desires the Holy Spirit to take control.
A religious person does not care to win souls but that is the constant passion in the heart of the revivalist.
The religious person does not concern himself with the needs of others but the revivalist will give himself and his life for the sake of helping others.
A religious person wants you to know about what he has done but a revivalist wants to talk about what God has done.
A religious person wants you to know what you need to do but a revivalist wants you to know what God ‘can’ do.
A religious person wants to look at the outward but the revivalist is much more concerned with the inner-man where Jesus is Lord of everything.
A religious person has no heart for worship but a revivalist is often found weeping at the feet of Jesus, washing them with their tears.
A religious person sings without passion, with his lips but a revivalist sings with great joy and often with tears, which flow from his heart.
A religious person is content to have church only a couple hours a week but a revivalist longs for the fellowship and the communion of the saints…to be in one accord, with one purpose.
A religious person cares little for the brethren but the revivalist will wash his brothers feet, longing that Christ be formed in each heart.
A religious person cares about his earthly home but the revivalist takes no thought for this life, what he will wear and what he will eat…because he know his home is in heaven.
The religious person covets the things of the world but the revivalist covets the gift of the Holy Ghost, so as to better equip his life for service for his great God and King.
A religious person reads the word of God with a deaf ear but a revivalist trembles at the word of God and therefore finds hidden treasures of truths in which he longs to make known to all.
A religious person is not interested in the historical accounts of revival, he is happy with the way things are but a revivalist heart leaps at the stories of revival and he is inspired and challenged by it.
A religious person is often considered wise and prudent but a revivalist is often mocked because some will say he is too radical, emotional or weak.
A religious person pretends but the revivalist is real.
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