Friday, October 07, 2005

Where is the Church?

"Where is there a Church?" For many years we have been pondering that question even though we were attending a church at the time. We had a deep sense that there was something amiss as we sat in a cozy church pew week after week as we realized that the many of those who were "in" the Church had no real heart for the Lord and His word. A "lukewarm" condition was how the church functioned. It was very grievous to see the strong influence it had on the body of Christ.

Well, for the next several years we began our pursuit to find the "real" church. After attending many we have found that the answer to the question in not really "where" but "who". You see the Church, as we read in the book of Acts, was not a "building" where people met but it was true believers who met together because of their deep love and dedication to Christ. It was not a religious system that they erected to ease their conscience but it was filled with "power" and life in the spirit. Jesus was Lord and it as was in His name that they met, not their own. The answer is that is was a "people’ who were called out from a life of sin to serve the living true God. A people who were not interested in doing their own thing but who were completely sold out to Jesus.

What has happened to God’s bride?
For she is dressed in her pride.
She once was pure white,
So loving and bright.

But she fell for another,
Now the world is her lover.
Her pleasures and play
Makes her too busy to pray.

She has riches to hold
In measures untold.
Oh, what a great sin
She has committed with-in.


At 10:28 AM , Blogger Orlando said...

Great thoughts...makes a person wonder just how many people are just putting in their time.


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