The Bride of Christ
Recently we attended a wedding where the bride was so radiant with joy and anticipation for this marriage that was about to take place. Oh the joyful bliss in her eyes...I just love to see that. Makes you think, wow this guy must really be something for her to be so happy. Anyway, the Lord seems to be reminding me of the need for “Joy” in every circumstance of my life, good times and bad time. As I have pondered these things it seems so obvious that this is the state of mind we should be in, as believers, especially before a lost world. We are the bride Christ and we too should be living with that same joy and anticipation for our groom to come and take us away. What a powerful testimony to others when our lives radiate that joy. Makes them wonder what we have and makes them want what we have. The Bible says, “ The Joy of the Lord is our strength”.
When I was first saved I was so overwhelmed with this sense of “Joy” like nothing I ever had before. My heart was so filled with gladness that my feet didn't seem to be touching this earth. As time went on though, I began to notice that very few believers had this sense of “Joy” in their own lives, even though they were steady members of the church. I was confused by that and could not figure out why the long faces. They had no praise on their lips, no testimonies to share and little desire to reach the lost. Then a couple of years later the Lord led us to a church that was filled with this sense of “Joy” and I knew that they had what I had, in regards to salvation. It was not just in their heads, sort of thing, but went deep into the depths of their souls. Because of it, the worship service was truly that... a worship service like nothing I had ever experienced. It was powerful and God presence was really felt. It was a revival atmosphere and many souls were saved on a weekly basis.
Since then, I have heard Christians who say, "Oh that is just emotionalism and not of God." Well, granted I do agree that maybe this might be an issue for some but it is something that is very real to a sincere soul who understands the mercy and grace of God in their life and knowing how undeserving they are. I think of Mary who wept at the feet of Jesus. Did Jesus rebuke her for being too emotional while she wept at His feet?
Oh what a great God we are blessed to know! Can we even comprehend His goodness? I just am amazed at His kindness, His mercy and His grace. It is hard to fathom how He would save a wretch like me but praise God He did!
My prayer is that the Joy of the Lord overflow in our lives in such a way that it will even penetrate those we come in contact with; even to bring the harden sinners heart to repentance and to all who do not have this relationship with Him, may it cause them to seek the Lord in a new and fresh way till that glory comes Mary who worshipped (wept) at the feet of Jesus who is worthy of all our love and praise and thanksgiving.
Blessings of His grace,
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