Saturday, June 26, 2010

Judgement Must Begin at the House of God

For the time has come that judgement must begin at the House of God

I get lots of emails and hear messages on the state of country; how we are no longer a Christian nation the emphasis is on “how terrible this is”. But let me ask the question; what is the state or condition of “church” in America? The Bible tells us that the “world and sinners will wax worse and worse” but what about us? I see affluent Christianity sitting by in her walled off church buildings and expensive homes living lives of luxury and pleasure, doing little or nothing with their lives for the cause of Christ.

Where is the love for Jesus? Where is the brokenness for the lost? Where is the compassion and mercy in our lives? Instead many Christians in their denominational molds, spend their time slamming each other’s beliefs, (so much for brotherly love). We not only don’t have time to win the lost to Christ but we don’t even have love for our brother, even though the Bible tells us to “BE our brothers keeper”.

I have been a Christian for 25 years now and I see American Christianity in her “lukewarm” state and I can see why the Bible says “He will spew her out of His mouth”. We are the ones who need to repent, “judgment must begin in the house of God”. We are the ones how are filled with lust for this world, for love of things, the pride of life, (for making a great name for ourselves all in the name of Christianity). We are the ones who take His name in vain and live our lives as hypocrites. We are the ones living in pleasure. Again, we are the one who need to repent! May the Lord open our eyes and wake us up to “OUR” condition!

Paths to Ponder

We often think that if we have talent and money we can do a “work” for God. Sadly, it seems that many Christians (and ministries) are bogged down with their financial needs and miss the true work of ministry. Much of their time and effort are spent trying to make money to fuel the ministry that they say, “God, has called them to do”. If that were the case, and it was the Lord’s work, wouldn’t he supply the need?

George Mueller said, “God’s work done in God’s way shall never lack God’s supply”.

Also in the realm of talents, we often think we need to develop our talents. Nothing wrong with practicing and studying but I wonder if God could use us more if weren’t “so able”??? I really believe that God is able to make all grace abound in us, to reach this lost world. If our goal is truly to bring glory to him, (and not to use some ministry to elevate ourselves), then can we not trust him to provide all that we could ask or think? !!! As we step out and do the true work of ministry, which is evangelism, these things all seem to fall into place. 2Tim.4: 5 “But watch in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelists, make full proof of thy ministry”. Could it be that God is not waiting for our ability to generate money or talents but rather is He waiting for us to step out in faith and obedience; waiting on Him supply our every need to do His work?

Really, I wonder if it doesn’t boil down to our faith and obedience to him as we live our lives for the sake of the Gospel. Laying our lives down for him, even if it means poverty and reproach. After all, what do we have to lose if heaven is really our goal? Why should all these things matter so much?

In China, India and many other countries, we hear how the church is vibrant and alive with God’s presence and power. She lacks nothing in spiritual matters even though many would notice how financially poor she is and would even feel sorry for them; but I feel the opposite, as I hear the testimonies of God’s people. I envy what they have and wonder if we will ever have that here in America. We are so rich and because of it our hearts and minds are consumed with the things we want and the things we have. God help us!!!!

Most American Christians do not even have a clue how little spiritually we have compared to the other countries. Or will most even venture to compare the church today to her Biblical foundation as we read about it in the Book of Acts. Instead we often hear, “Oh, that was only for them in that day”. Think about it though, here were 120 folks who stayed together for what ended up being a 10 day prayer meeting, until they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Then those same folks God used to turn the world upside down. I wonder what would happen if we were humble enough to embark on such a task as seeking the Lord till we were filled with power from on high. Notice money was not what they were seeking but rather the King of kings and Lord of Lords. They knew He had what they needed and they were willing to seek and wait for it!!!! 2Chron. 7:14 “If my people who are called by name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. Notice it says, to turn from our wicked ways. Could our “love for money” be something we might want to consider as being in that category? As we read in 1 Tim. 6: 6-12. Verse 11-12 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things: and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold unto eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses”.

Time to reevaluate the path we are on…

We seem to have contentment for spiritual bareness but not for money.

We seem to be using all our time and strength to generate money for our so-called, overseers in our Christian institutions. We have become puppets for man-made ministries and are burdened down to the point where we can’t discern what is happening. Sadly, much talent remains hidden as all our time is being wasted on money-making tasks in this rat-race. It is no wonder that many of us have a sense of emptiness and even guilt over our Christian walk.

Also, another common activity which takes our time (and attention) away is the “party” mentality we have. There is a constant flow of invitations to this party or that, yet little effort is spent towards a real outreach for the lost world.
When I read about William Booth and how his mission was to go into every city and set up a tent or rent a building in the poorest part of town; then he would call for believers to come along side him to do a crusade type of a service which included singing, musicians and testimonies and prayer all seasoned with gospel message being proclaimed throughout the long services…I cannot possibly think of anything in the whole world I would rather do with my fellow believers then that. My heart longs for an invitation to be at that type of gathering. Just to even picture us…working side by side…doing what Jesus commissed us to do… “to preach the gospel”…

I am weeping and praying that God will get a hold of His Luke-warm Church and raise us up to do a work for him in each town and state in America, till we see His glory ruling over every ministry and Christian. Till the Holy Spirit reigns on our nation. Remember, God is not willing that anyone should perish! His heart is for His salvation to come into each and everyone who has breath. He died for this very reason!!!! May we make it our desire and our business to see this happen! Amen!!!! And amen!!!

Jayne Otterson