Examine Our Hearts
Some think they are following Jesus but find out later that they were just a pawn for someone else's religious endeavors?
"Examine your hearts to see whether you are in the faith"....I have to admit that it is so easy to get caught up in religion or get caught up in bitterness....I see many believers who are stuck in one or the other which is why we often have a hard time relating. Many gatherings (ekklesias) are struggling and it might because we have not done our own personal "spring cleaning" our own hearts.
May the LORD help us all to walk in the Light and not let any root of bitterness grow and thereby, defile the rest. Wow...the LORD's mercies are new everyday and we can fix our eyes on HIM, forgetting what is behind and press towards the mark of the high-calling in Christ. May we find pasture to graze upon where we can build ourselves up in the most holy faith and may we also participate in the priesthood of the believers as we gather in JESUS name (not our own) .
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