Monday, June 24, 2013

Examine Yourself To See Whether You Are In The Faith

Are you are follower of religion or a follower of Christ?

Is your mind filled with works that you do or the WORKS that Christ has done for you?

What do you think about more...your obligations to Christ or the REST that Christ has provided?

Do you love to teach; the law, (rules, standards, do's and don'ts) or good news of the grace of God? 

Are you real about your self, your needs, your failures or do you put a front on--of self-righteousness?

Do you know that a follower of religion will be rewarded much in this life? He will find that he/she will have many friends (all be it...surface relationships).

Do you know that you will have opportunities to put your stakes down deep in this world (ie with money and material gain)?

Do you know that if you are really can even make a living off religion, and it will make you famous and important? 

The sky is limits if you are in religion but you will be disappointed in the end when you see HIM coming in the clouds...You will say...LORD, LORD did we not do........??? And he will say, "I never knew you, depart from me you workers of iniquity..."

But if you truly desire to follow Jesus...many of your rewards will not happen while on this turf. You will be despised and rejected by ppl who you thought were your friends. You will be called a heretic or backslider (usually behind your back). Your name will be smeared and you will be a reproach to most of the ppl who knew you.

As far as will likely not be rich, but rather poor because you will see the vanity in much of the worldly pursuits of this life...and it will not impress you. 

When you speak...many will not want to hear the gospel that you share...When you speak of grace, they will likely hate it, (especially the religious ppl) . Thus, you will learn what it means to be on the narrow path and what Jesus meant when He said "that when 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there I will be in the midst of them"... (((because you will be lucky to even find 1 or 2 others who will be in your company))).  Many of your friends will be preoccupied with the festivities of this life, with their religious practices and endeavors. They will not have time for one on one relationships. Therefore, the wilderness experience is very much a part of your journey. Yet you will travel on it willingly because you KNOW you cannot go back.
His voice will be sweet to you and you won't care what others think. You will be alone much but NOT forsaken by HIM. He will be your strength because yours will be gone. You will not depend on anyone (not even yourself), but HIM. Slowly, you will discover that there are others on your same journey who are following in the exact same manner. They will be sprinkled here and there. That is when you will discover the great delight of hearing their voices and seeing their lives that are lived out for kingdom of God. They will share the bread of life with you and you with them. 

All of this is a glorious feast of heavenly blessings that others cannot enter into, nor can they understand your language...(it is foreign to those who follow religion). Even if you try to explain it...they cannot grasp what you are saying and will only HATE you more. But will smile...knowing that you have a treasure that is hidden which gives you much AWE...(wondering....why me LORD...?? Why did you pick me???) and your heart will greatly leap with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


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