Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Generation of a True Follower of Christ

Personally, I’m not all that eager to raise up a new generation of leaders. I want to raise up a new generation of butlers and scullery maids. A generation of nobodies who are content to be obedient to the simple teachings of Jesus. A generation of Christ-followers who die to family, fame, fortune, success, patriotism, and the American Dream. A generation of Dietrich Bonhoeffers who realize that “when Jesus calls a man, He bids him come and die.” I want to raise up a generation of men and women who give without counting the cost, who deny themselves, who willingly take the cross as the path of union with Christ, in whom there is no trace of triumphalism, who put their lives at Christ’s disposal with unconditional surrender, who place Christian allegiance over their national allegiance, who act as though they were part of an upside-down kingdom, who die to all claims of the self-indulgent life, who refuse to lionize success or repudiate pain, who “share in suffering as good soldiers of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3), who stand high and lift their drooping heads because the Son of God inhabits their lives in the power of His resurrection.--Dave Black

Keeping the Sabbath

‎"...keeping the Sabbath (has a)...spiritual meaning...It is simplicity and utterness of faith as to the finished work of Christ...God's rest is based upon the fact that in Christ and by His Cross all the work is finished. We are called on to find all our life and energy on this basis - that we keep God's Sabbath...God is calling for those who are true keepers of His Sabbath, those who by faith are proving in ever new ways and ever greater fulness the glorious perfection of the new creation in Christ." T. Austin-Sparks, "Discipline Unto Prayer."



                                        by Kat Huff

Jon Zens on the Tithing Teaching


A New Covenant Look At An Old Covenant Practice
by Jon Zens
Searching Together