"In this the children of God are made manifest, and the children of the Devil: whosoever doeth righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another". 1 John 3:10-11
We are called to love our brother as ourselves, to lay down our lives for the brethren, to esteem others better then ourselves. Yet how few Christians do? I see instead many that would look with disdain at those that may not share the same standards. Even to go so far as to shun them and all the while feeling very pious, as if God was so pleased with their lofty views. How my heart breaks for this! I know how much damage it does to souls and to churches. I know how God hates the discord that this causes. Many instead, isolate themselves from the needy and will not associate with them. Would to God that we could see how we are called to such a time as this…to build up those who are lacking in their faith (or whatever their need may be). The Apostle Paul himself was consumed with this burden. He had a great desire to strengthen and to build those things that were wanting in the Church. He longed for that even in his bowels and he said he wished himself to be accursed instead of someone else. What kind of love is that? And tell me, what could be more holy than that?
We hear so much about living a holy life yet do we even begin to understand what God's definition of "holiness" is? Are we willing to lay our lives down for others and to minister to all that are in need? Or do we just think holiness consists of our outward appearance?
It seems few Christians are concerned for the lost or even the Christian brethren that are in their midst. Instead, most are consumed with living a successful life with all the luxuries, vacations and the pleasures that the world is striving for,... maybe even more so. I too, have fallen under the spell and been guilty of that, somewhat. I have earnestly prayed for God to forgive me and set me free from the love of the world. And for Him to pour out his spirit on me afresh and I am once again experiencing that awesome love of God being shed abroad in my heart… thus enabling me to love even the unlovable. Now that is liberty and the abundant life that only God can give us.
Corrie ten Boom gives us a great example when she reached out her hand to the man who was responsible for her family’s death. Yet as she willing reached out to him, God poured out blessing upon her. Now just think what we miss when we refuse to reach out and love those around us who are not what we want them to be. Jesus was a friend to publicans and sinners and what better proof can I give but that?
The greatest among you will be the servant of ALL. May God open our self-righteous eyes to see how we have failed Him and cause us to repent of our selfish lives? And may we truly lay down our lives for others and then we will see souls saved and redeemed and walking uprightly with God.... Then the Church will truly be …the body of Christ!
Can we see how much of this lack of concern is derived from our pride? How most of the things we are doing are only for our own benefit? Some have said that soul winning (or any ministry to the needy) is only for the select few, evangelists and etc. but the Bible says that when the Holy Ghost is come upon you , you shall be a witness… Acts 1:8….(hummm maybe we need to ask God to fill us with His Spirit then?! After all, with out Him we can do nothing) And, remember that "God resists the proud but gives grace to the Humble".
Anyway, I hope I never forget how my perspective changed the day I stood in the ashes of where my Dad was burned. The agonizing thoughts of why I didn’t I do more for him? Why had I lived so selfishly? I hope that I will never forget crying out to God in utter brokenness for all I wished I had done. I want that burden to continue to impact my life. May it continue to drive me deeper in the Lord and in my surrender to Him; to truly live a sacrificial life so that others will come to the Savior. I want it to fill me with zeal so that I will not get so caught up with religion and the cares of this life, which will choke out God’s Word in my life. I want to feel that overwhelming sense of love for the lost that God puts in the hearts of those who are truly His children and then to experience, once again the brokeness that comes and cause us to pray and intercede for their salvation. I think with all my heart that that is what the purpose of our Christian life here is all about. Isaiah 60 says it well…The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;….and we who have his spirit know this is our calling.
May God help us to see our great calling and our ministry in this life that he has graciously given us. Hey, if we did, there might even be another great revival of God’s Spirit that would sweep our sin-sick nation. After all…God is LOVE and if we love others God dwells in us. (Read more on that in 1John 4:7-20) Makes me wonder just how much we are missing out when we refuse to love and instead pick up stones and throw them at those who we think are less holy then us…Who do we think we are anyway? Even Jesus said, "He that is without sin can throw the first stone".
Just a few thoughts that were on my heart and thank you for taking time to read this. Feel free to share your thoughts as well.